
Geoscience research has been going through a paradigm shift over the last few decades from mere observational science to technology and data-driven multidisciplinary science heavily dependent upon numerical approaches. The fundamental research into geodynamics, understanding paleoclimates, mineral exploration, and hydrocarbon prospecting require a multidisciplinary approach. The Geochronology and Isotope Studies Division at the CSIR-NGRI is poised to take up this challenge by deploying capital-intensive and technologically challenging analytical tools by working on the leading-edge research in the country.

Our work areas include (i) absolute age determinations on bulk and in-situ through U-Pb zircon geochronology and other radiogenic isotopic systematics such as Rb-Sr, Sm-Nd, Lu-Hf (ii) applying stable isotopic systematics to understand early redox evolution of the Earth (iii) Neotectonics (iv) surface geochemical prospecting for hydrocarbons (v) organic geochemistry. Towards this, we deployed state-of-the-art analytical equipment such as EPMA, XRF, XRD, ICP-MS, LA-MC-ICPMS, LA-ICPMS, EA-IRMS, CF-IRMS, MAT-253-Kiel Carbonate, Rock EVAL pyrolysis, GC-MS-MS etc. backed by a range of sample preparation and chemical laboratories.
We are supported generously by federal funding from CSIR-MoES, DST, and industry with active collaborations involving IITs, IISc/IISERs, and other academic and R&D institutes in the country. This enabled us to have our footprints on almost all the geological terrains of India.

Head of the group

Dr. Babu E. V. S. S. K

Dr. Babu E. V. S. S. K

Chief Scientist

Group Members

Dr. Sunder Raju P. V

Dr. Sunder Raju P. V

Chief Scientist

Dr. Sukumaran N. P

Dr. Sukumaran N. P

Senior Principal Scientist

Dr. Sreenivas B

Dr.Sreenivas Bulusu

Chief Scientist

Dr. Vijaya Kumar T

Dr. Vijaya Kumar T

Senior Principal Scientist

Ms. Manju S

Ms. Manju S

Senior Scientist

Ms. Sabitha D

Ms.Sabitha D

Principal Scientist

Dr. Monalisa Mallick

Monalisa Mallick

Senior Scientist

Venkatesham K

Mr. Venkatesham K

Senior Technical Officer(2)

Balu G

Dr. Balu G

Senior Technical Officer(2)

Nihar Rajan Kar

Mr. Nihar Rajan Kar

Senior Technical Officer(1)

Rama Murthy P. B

Mr. Rama Murthy P. B

Senior Technical Officer(1)

Waseem Raza

Dr. Waseem Raza

Senior Technical Officer(1)

Pavan Miriyala

Dr. Pavan Miriyala

Technical Officer

Chaudhari Laxmikant Mahipal

Mr. Chaudhari Laxmikant Mahipal
