TWAS-CSIR Fellowship

CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute with its excellent laboratory and infrastructure welcomes, the Young Scientists/Research Scholars under TWAS-CSIR  fellowship scheme from developing countries, to pursue postdoctoral/doctoral research in emerging areas of Earth Science. Interested candidates may write to HRD along with an application (in the prescribed  format word size:( 0.02 MB)). The candidate will be required to email the following documents (soft copy) along with the application to the HRD (hrd[at]ngri[dot]res[dot]in) with the Subject line TWAS-CSIR Fellowship (No other correspondence will be entertained).

  1. Proposed work plan
  2. Resume (educational details, experience details, publications, two references)
  3. English Proficiency certificate
  4. Educational documents/certificates
  5. Passport copy
  6. No Objection Certificate from home university

On acceptance of the proposal, the candidate will be issued the necessary 'Letter' from CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, which he/she may use for the TWAS-CSIR Fellowship application.

TWAS/International Fellowship 

For developing countries, and especially the Least Developed Countries, PhD scientists help build a foundation for scientific strength and human prosperity. TWAS  offers more than 360 PhD fellowships a year at some of the most respected institutions in the developing world. ASEAN-INDIA Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF ) of Govt of India offers 50 fellowships and Research Training Fellowship-Developing Countries Scientist (RTF-DCS ) Scheme offers 60 fellowships a year to conduct research under the guidance of a host scientist in India. Candidates who wish to take up TWAS, ASEAN-INDIA, RTF-DCS or any other International postgraduate/post-doctoral fellowship at CSIR-NGRI may write to HRD along with an application (in the prescribed format word size:( 0.02 MB)) available throughout the year. The candidate will be required to email the following documents (soft copy) along with the application to the HRD (hrd[at]ngri[dot]res[dot]in) with the Subject line “Name of the International Fellowship” (No other correspondence will be entertained).

  1. Financial support document
  2. Proposed work plan
  3. Resume (educational details, experience details, publications, two references)
  4. English Proficiency certificate
  5. Educational documents/certificates
  6. Passport copy
  7. No Objection Certificate from home university

On acceptance of the proposal, the candidate will be issued the necessary 'Letter' from CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, which he/she may use for the TWAS/ASEAN-INDIA /RTF-DCS or other International Fellowship application.

For queries related to International Fellowships, please contact:

Dr. Biswajit Mandal
Head HRDG & Senior Pr. Scientist

Mr. Neeraj Soni