CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute with its excellent laboratory and infrastructure welcomes, the Young Scientists/Research Scholars under TWAS-CSIR fellowship scheme from developing countries, to pursue postdoctoral/doctoral research in emerging areas of Earth Science. Interested candidates may write to HRD along with an application (in the prescribed format size:( 0.02 MB)). The candidate will be required to email the following documents (soft copy) along with the application to the HRD (hrd[at]ngri[dot]res[dot]in) with the Subject line TWAS-CSIR Fellowship (No other correspondence will be entertained).
On acceptance of the proposal, the candidate will be issued the necessary 'Letter' from CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, which he/she may use for the TWAS-CSIR Fellowship application.
TWAS/International Fellowship
For developing countries, and especially the Least Developed Countries, PhD scientists help build a foundation for scientific strength and human prosperity. TWAS offers more than 360 PhD fellowships a year at some of the most respected institutions in the developing world. ASEAN-INDIA Research Training Fellowship (AIRTF ) of Govt of India offers 50 fellowships and Research Training Fellowship-Developing Countries Scientist (RTF-DCS ) Scheme offers 60 fellowships a year to conduct research under the guidance of a host scientist in India. Candidates who wish to take up TWAS, ASEAN-INDIA, RTF-DCS or any other International postgraduate/post-doctoral fellowship at CSIR-NGRI may write to HRD along with an application (in the prescribed format size:( 0.02 MB)) available throughout the year. The candidate will be required to email the following documents (soft copy) along with the application to the HRD (hrd[at]ngri[dot]res[dot]in) with the Subject line “Name of the International Fellowship” (No other correspondence will be entertained).
On acceptance of the proposal, the candidate will be issued the necessary 'Letter' from CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute, which he/she may use for the TWAS/ASEAN-INDIA /RTF-DCS or other International Fellowship application.
For queries related to International Fellowships, please contact:
Dr. Biswajit Mandal
Head HRDG & Senior Pr. Scientist
Mr. Neeraj Soni