Our Director

Dr. Prakash Kumar

Director , CSIR-NGRI


Dr. Prakash Kumar is currently serving as Director of CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute. He received his M.Sc (Tech) from the Indian School of Mines, Dhanbad and PhD degree from Osmania University, Hyderabad in Geophysics. His research interest are Geophysical Instrumentation (especially, Seismic and Seismological Instruments including Ocean bottom seismometers), Theoretical and computational seismology: Converted wave techniques, Anisotropy, using various seismic phases to decipher the subsurface structure, Geophysical Prospecting (Hydrocarbon, Gas Hydrate exploration), Seismological Tools to explore deep earth and attempting forefront problems in seismology and Earthquake source dynamics. He is the recipient of various awards and recognizations such as CSIR-Young scientist award, Krishnan Gold medal from Indian Geophysical Union, National Geoscience Award, Anni Talwani Memorial Prize. He was the visiting researcher at GeoFoschungsZentrum (Germany), Earthquake Research Institute (University of Tokyo, Japan), IPGP (Paris) and Institute of Physics of the Earth (RAS, Moscow). Dr. Kumar published more than 65 research papers in peer-reviewed journals including Nature, Science, Nature Geoscience and PINAS. He has supervised 5 PhD thesis and served as members in various international and national committes. He is a fellow of National Academy of Sciences, India, GSI, and Telangana Academy of Sciences. He has also co-authored one book.