Planetary Sciences Group carries out advanced research on geology & geophysics of terrestrial planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars) and the Moon for understanding the origin and evolution of the inner Solar System planets and the Moon. Our research includes understanding of impact cratering, tectonics, volcanism, sedimentary and geodynamic processes that shaped the terrestrial planets and the Moon. The geological and geophysical datasets obtained by ISRO, NASA, ESA, and JAXA are used. Our research covers two major areas: (1) the study of planetary geological records, deciphering geologic history, and geodynamic processes; (2) the study of planetary interiors using geophysical methods. Analysis of robotic and human landing sites on Moon and Mars are also performed for understanding geological setting of these sites, composition and selection of rock and regolith materials at the landing sites for in-situ study basing on science objectives. The studies involving seismo-tectonics and geo-hazards for safety assessment of long-term human settlements on the Moon and Mars are also undertaken.