Hari Narain Knowledge Resource Centre (H.N.K.R.C.) of the Institute is the continuation of the library of the Central Board of Geophysics which came into existence in late 1940s in Kolkata. In October 1961 this Board was transformed as the National Geophysical Research Institute at Hyderabad under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.
The CSIR-NGRI Library is the most comprehensive and unique collection of Earth Sciences resources within the country reflecting the history of the Institute in its collection. Its present collection has books covering broadly all the disciplines of Solid Earth Science System (Geophysics, Geology, Geochemistry, Geochronology) besides books on Mathematics, Statistics, Physics, Engineering and Computer Sciences, History and Hindi (including literature and scientific books). The main collection of the library is in the form of books, online journals (as well as hard copy) and journal back volumes. The library also hosts scientific publications of the institute scientists, maps and scientific reports.
Library has subscription of various databases, publicly available resources, electronic reference material, abstracts and indexes and bibliographic databases. Library uses KOHA, an Open Source Integrated library management software for all its housekeeping activities. The major services provided by the Library are:
Online Access to e-resources and non-book collection
Available major collections on Earth Science related subject books, CD-ROM & Floppies.
OPAC (Online Public Access Cataloguing)
The complete bibliographic information of the resources (Books/Thesis etc.) in the library- either issued or available in the rocks can be check by the users.
The newly arrived books /journals are displayed at Library and as well as in digital display boards at CSIR-NGRI
The abstracts of the manuscripts for publications/presentations from the scientific/technical staff of institute are displayed in the Library notice board as well as on CSIR-NGRI Intranet. This information is also sent to the scientific/technical staff of the institute through official email on daily basis.
The most valuable resources like Encyclopaedias/Hand books/Dictionaries etc. are kept in Reference Section for the use of researchers.
The information on citations of journals and the Impact Factors are provided through citation databases.
CSIR-NGRI is having the digital collection of E-Books/E-Journals and E-Databases for the utilizations of researchers.
Hari Narian Knowledge Resource Centre (HNKRC-Library) is one of the very few Libraries in CSIR, using the RFID based LMS system.
RFID is a flexible, convenient, easy-to-use technology that is perfectly suited for automated operations libraries.
It refers as a wireless system comprised of two components; Tags and Readers.
RFID can help to protect library materials from theft, it can trace the miss placement of books by the readers in anywhere of the library.
RFID is very useful for accurate stock verification/inventory process.
RFID is much faster for circulation desk multiple books can be issued or return in a single transaction.
The Library has the binding facility for damaged books /journals etc.
The CSIR-NGRI Library users comprise of institute scientists/faculty, technical staff, research scholars (Ph.D/AcSIR) project assistants and researchers from other institutes/universities, and visiting/retired scientists/emeritus scientists.
The Total Resources available in Maps & drawing Section (As on 1th November 2018):
Type of Map & Scales | Total available Map codes | Total available multiple copies |
Gross Total |
Senior Technical officer(1)
Senior Technical officer(1)
Lab Assistant