Dr. Sunder Raju P. V

Chief Scientist , Geochronology

Dr. Sunder Raju P. V


Academic Identity


Precambrian Geology , Mineral Exploration.

Research Area

Dr Raju PVS graduated from prestigious 100 years old Osmania University in  Telangana state, India. Dr Raju had the great privilege to join in  the CSIR-NGRI (National Geophysical Research Institute) loacted in Hyderabad , South India. He joined as a Scientist under late Dr S.M. Naqvi group and obtained doctoral degree under his guidance. He carried out Postdoctoral research work in Canada, Finland, South Africa and Australia under prestigious scholarships both national (BOYSCAST & RAMAN) and international (Indo-Australian, NSERC and “Canadian Ore Metallogeny” chair fellowship and SITRA). He also closely worked with international working groups led by Prof Sarah Barnes, Prof Tony Naldrett, Prof Eero Hanski, Prof Craig Hart , Prof Roland Karl Merkle with a specialization on PGMs, chromitite and Fe Oxides (Magnetite). He was instrumental and key  team member in developing iron oxide (magnetite) and sulphides certified reference materials (CRMS) for LA-MC-ICPMS for commericial use. As a team effort with colleagues at NGRI, identified a low-grade high tonnage gold mineralisation along three km strike length and later proven by drilling (by HGML) in Dharwar Craton. Dr Raju was fortunate to carry fieldwork in the northern parts of Madagascar (Antalaha), South Africa (entire Bushveld complex LG, MG and UG), China (Emishen flood basalts), Canada (Sudbury, Voisey's Bay, Thompson Nickel  belt) and in Finland (Outokumpu) chromitite hosted platinum deposits and associated mineralogical aspects. He also participated in an expedition to Carlsberg Ridge in K 194 & 195 cruises for exploring the Hydrothermal vents for VMS and SEDEX deposits. He keeps interest in Forensic and Medical Geology also and only member representing India in working groups on International Critical minerals (ICM) and International Forensic Geology (IFG) under the flagship of IUGG. He is a fellow of several prestigious and learned societies in India and abroad, to name a few .  a fellow of Society of Economic Geologists” (SEG), USA ,  GSSA, International Forensic Geology (IFG). He is also a member in National Academy of Sciences (NASI) and ICDD, USA. To his credit he is memeber of International Cryastallographic society .He  was awarded Prof C. Mahadevan Mineral Science award. He wrote a book entitled “Gold in Banded Iron Formation”. At present Dr Raju is working as a Chief Scientist and Project Leader  for external grant-in-aid  sponsored projects funded by Ministry of Mines, ANRF and CSIR. He is also COPI in scientiifc projects incollaboration with IIT, Mumbai, Chennai and IISC, Bengaluru. He gained experience in teaching and guiding Masters, PhD, Post-docs (NPDF and CSIR -NEHRU), and host limited  under International exchange programmes like CSIR-TWAS, ASEAN and Raman fellows etc., He is expertised and in handling state-art gadgets like  EDXRF, XRD under the sophisticated analytical facility at CSIR-NGRI. He is a peer reviewer to several International journals and nominated member of International scientific bodies like (RSF) and nominated member for Telangana State Geological Programming Board ,APSGPB, OU and Central Unvts. He keeps interest to ignite young minds in science and delivered popular lectures in several schools in and around Telangana state. As author /coauthor published articles in high imapct factor journals.His scientific  work related to Industry and societal benefits. He is a subject expert member in ANRF, Technology Board, SERB and UPSC. 

Ongoing Research Projects


Title of Project

Project Category

Participating Agencies

Your Role as defined


"New Mineral Prospectivity for harnessing Gold resources in GR
Halli prospect, Chitradurga Schist belt, Karnataka ,Western Dharwar Craton using Machine Learning and Deep
Convolutional Neural net works

Core Research Grant (CRG) SERB

NGRI and Unvt of Hyd 

Project leader


Mineralogical and Geological Characterization of Indian Glauconites For alternative potassium fertilizers, .

 Ministry of Mines , GOI

NGRI and

IIT, Mumbai

Project Leader


A targeted Integrated approach for Gold through Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Studies in Greenstone belts of Eastern and Western Dharwar Craton



Project Leader


Integrated Geological, Geochemical and Geophysical Studies for the delineation of Chromitite extensions in Nuggihalli Schist Belt, and Implications for Ni-Cu-PGE Mineralization

Ministry of Mines, GOI

NGRI and

IISC, Bengaluru

Project Leader


Petrology and Geochemistry of chromite hosting mafic-ultramafic layered intrusion in Holenarsipur-Nuggihalli schist belt, Western Dharwar Craton, Karnataka: Implications for Ni-Cr±PGE mineralization



Project Leader

Honors & Awards

  1. Dr Mahadevan Mineral Science Award 

  2. BOYSCAST Fellowship (DST)

  3. Raman Fellowship (CSIR)


  5. SITRA (Finland Govt) 

  6. Indo-Australian Fellowship by (Australian Academy of Sciences)


1.Shuvabrata De, P.V. Sunder Raju (2022). Mesoarchean terrestrial sedimentation in a continental rift setting and its provenance implications: An example from the Bisrampur Formation, Singhbhum craton, India. Earth Science Reviews, 234, 2022  104205.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104205  IF 12.038

2.Rajat Mazumder, Trisrota Chaudhuri, Shuvabrata De, Wilfried Bauer, Muzna Al Hadi,Kenichiro Sugitani, Mark A. van Zuilen, Ryoko Senda, Mariko Yamamoto, P.V. Sunder Raju, Tohru Ohta, Octavian Catuneanu, Sreejoni Mazumder, Satoshi Saito, Kazuya Shimooka (2022), Paleoarchean surface processes and volcanism: Insights from the eastern Iron Ore Group, Singhbhum craton, India, Earth-Science Reviews, Volume 232, 2022, 104122, ISSN 0012-8252, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2022.104122  IF 12.038

3.Sunder Raju P V, Mazumder R, (2020) Archean Sedimentation on Dharwar Craton, India and its implications,Earth-Science Reviews vol 202 F, Article No 102999 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2019.102999 IF  141

4.Rajat Mazumder, Shuvabrata De, P.V. Sunder Raju, (2020), Archean-Paleoproterozoic transition: The Indian perspective. Earth-Science Reviews ,Vol 202 F, Pg 427-440 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.earscirev.2018.11.013    IF 12.41

5.Sunder Raju P.V. and Satish Kumar.K (2020), Magnetic Survey of Iron-Oxide-Copper-Gold ( IOCG) and Alkali Calcic alteration system in Gadarwara, M.P, India :Implications on Copper Metallogeny ,“Minerals Pgs 67-85 Minerals 2020, 10, 671, doi:10.3390/min10080671 IF 3.00

6. P V Sunder Raju., Sangurmath P and Craig Hart (2016) Geochemical Signatures by LA-ICP-MS and Potential for Rare Earth Elements from Hutti Gold Mines and fingerprinting ore deposits. Journal of African Earth Sciences, Vol 114 Pgs 220-227.doi:10.1016 1.5.jafrearsci.2015.11.008

7.Sunder Raju, P.V., Eero Hanski and Yann Lahaye. (2015), LA-MC-ICPMS dating of Zircon from Chromitite of the Archean Bangur Gabbro Complex, Orissa, India- Ambiguities and Constraints. Geologica Acta, 13, 4, 325-334.  Doi: 3 4 4/Geologica Acta2015.13.4.5

8.Sunder Raju, P. V. & Eriksson, P. G. (2015). Evolution of _3.5–2.5 Ga basins of the Dharwar Craton. In: Mazumder, R. & Eriksson, P. G. (eds) Precambrian Basins of India: Stratigraphic and Tectonic Context. Geological Society, London, Memoirs, 43, 223–230, http://dx.doi.org/10.1144/M43.15 .(Book Chapter).

9.Raju PVS and Sangurmath P (2022) The Occurrence of Platinum (Pt) and Skaergaardite (Pd Cu) in the Hutti Underground Gold mines, Eastern Dharwar Craton, Karnataka, India, Journal Geological Society of India, 98, 1217-1220   https://doi.org/10.1007/s12594-022 

10 Benjamin Boadi, P.V. Sunder Raju and David Dotse Wemegah (2022) Analysing Weighted Overlay and Fuzzy Logic Models for Lode Gold Prospectivity Mapping in the Ahafo Area- Southwest Ghana. Ore Geology Reviews, 149, 105059 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2022.105059 


Gold in Banded Iron Formations in Western Dharwar Craton Geology, Geochemistry and Genesis of Gold in Banded Iron Formations, Western Dharwar Craton, Karnataka, India 978-3-8433-7364-7 

Research Scholars

Doctoral - 3 Mr Benjamin Boadi  (CSIR-TWAS );Mr IFE (CSIR-TWAS) ;Mr Basanth Rath

Post doctoral - 2 

Educational Qualification

M.Sc., M.Tech., PhD.,PGDEM

Proffessional Experience

30 Years of Professional Experience in R & D at both National and International levels and is a learned member of prestigious Academies and Societies in Geology.

Subject  Expert Member in SERB 

Subject Expert  Member in UPSC

Trained Expert in multi varied analytical techniques.(EPMA,EDXRF,PXRD, LAICPMS ,FESEM) (Refer Pubs)

Hard core Field Geologist 

Proffessional Affiliations

  • Fellow Society of Economic Geologist (SEG, USA)

  • Fellow ICDD (USA)

  • Fellow Geological Society of India

  • Fellow IAGOD

  • Member-National Academy of Sciences (NASI)

  • Member GSSA