Research & Development


A 70 kyr Record of Monsoon-induced Marine...


Northern Limit of the Concealed Bundelkhand Craton...  


Geophysical characterization of the bedrock...


Estimation of Seismic Attenuation...


Mapping of Marble & Associated Structural...


Morphological & chronological mapping...


A rock physics modelling approach for time-lapse monitoring & characterization of fluid–rock interactions in hydrocarbon reservoirs.


Research News

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English Hindi version to see the e-Newsletter (Volume 6, Issue 12, December 2024)

Shri Narendra Modi

Shri. Narendra Modi

President, CSIR

Dr. Jitenra Singh

Dr. Jitendra Singh

Vice President, CSIR

Dr. Prakash Kumar

Dr. Prakash Kumar

Director, NGRI