Principal Scientist , Instrumentation and Engineering Geophysics
1. Participant Name : Sateesh Chandrapuri
2. Designation : Junior Scientist
3. Year of Birth : 1974
4. Qualification : M.E. (Digital Techniques and Instrumentation)
5. Field of specialization : Magnetotellurics Instrumentation.
6. Experience : 3 years
7. No. of Projects participated till now: 02
8. No. of Publications : Nil
a. In SCI journals : Nil
b. In non-SCI journals : Nil
c. In Books : Nil
d. Books/special issues edited: Nil
e. Total IF : Nil
9. Awards/Fellowships/Recognition: Nil
10. No.of students/researchers guided: Nil
a. B.Tech. Four students
b. Ph.D. Nil
c. Others Nil