Dr. Shashidhar D

Principal Scientist , Earthquake Hazard



Research Area

Dr. D. Shashidhar has an M.Sc. (Tech.) with a 1st Rank in the University in 2003 and a Ph.D. degree both in Geophysics from the Osmania University, Hyderabad. Presently, he is a Scientist at CSIR-NGRI. He specializes in seismology and his research areas include Waveform modelling for source mechanism of earthquakes and crustal structure; Borehole seismological studies; Application of different techniques for source characteristics; Stress inversion studies using fault slip data; and Estimation of 3D-seismic velocities using earthquake data by applying tomography inversion approach. One of his significant results include estimation of precise focal depths of earthquakes thorough waveform modeling approach that provided crucial inputs in planning of the proposed deep drilling program for target earthquakes. Dr. Shashidhar has wide experience in installation of seismological networks and real time monitoring of seismicity. He has vital participation in setting up of a unique borehole seismic network, the first of its kind, at Koyna, India. He has published over 30 research papers in national and international journals and presented papers in various conferences. Dr. Shashidhar is elected as an Associate Fellow of the Telangana Academy of Sciences.

Ongoing Research Projects

  • Earthquake Hazard Studies MLP 6401-28 (MRK)
  • Earthquake Hazard Studies in Moderate and Severe Seismic Zones of India (EHIND) MLP-FBR-0005-28(MRK)
  • Understanding triggered earthquakes in the Koyna-Warna region (FBR-0003-V3WP3)

Honors & Awards

  • Selected for the CSIR-Raman Research Fellowship (RRF) for the year 2022-2023
  • Associate Fellow of the Telangana Academy of Sciences (TAS)
  • Member of American Geophysical Union (AGU) for the years 2016 and 2018
  • Member of Indian Society Earthquake science (ISES)
  • Certificate of ‘International Continental Drilling Program (ICDP)’ Training Program held during October 10th – 14th, 2011 in Windischeschenbach, Germany organized by the GFZ, Potsdam


Shashidhar, D., N.P. Rao, and H.K. Gupta, 2011, Waveform inversion of broad-band dataof local earthquakes in the Koyna-Warna region, western India, Geophysical Journal International, 185,292-304.

Shashidhar, D., Ismael Vera Rodriguez, K. Mallika, Daniela Kühn , Matthew Wilks , H.V.S. Satyanarayana and Volker Oye. Relative locations of an earthquake sequence recorded 1 during June 2017 on the Koyna-Warna borehole seismic network of western India. (2020). Bulletin Seismological Society of America, 110 (6), 3130-3138. https://doi.org/10.1785/012020068 

Shashidhar, D., K. Mallika, K. Gahalaut, CR. Mahato and HVS. Satyanarayana. (2019). A New Earthquake Sequence at Koyna–Warna, India, and Its Implication for Migration of the Reservoir Triggered Seismicity. Bulletin Seismological Society of America, 109 (2), 827-831.

Shashidhar, D., K. Mallika, C. Mahato, B.S. Maity, K. Sudheer, HVS. Satyanarayana, N. Purnachandra Rao, R.V. Raghavan, A.N.S. Sarma, Y.V.V.B.S.N. Murthy, U. Gowri Shankar, D. Narsingarao and M. U. Anuradha. (2019). A catalogue of earthquakes in the Koyna-Warna region, western India (2005 – 2017). Journal Geological Society of India, 93 (1), 7-24. Jan. 2019.

Gupta, HK., Shashidhar, D., Mahato, C., Satyanarayana, HVS., Mallika, K., Rao, NP., Maity, BS., and Navitha, K. Location of the Pilot Borehole for investigations of Reservoir Triggered Seismicity at Koyna, India. Gondwana Research 42, 133-139. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gr.2016.10.014 

Shashidhar, D., N.P. Rao, D. Srinagesh, H.K. Gupta, H.V.S. Satyanarayana, G. Suresh and A. Satish. 2013. The 14 April 2012 Koyna Earthquake of Mw 4.8: Insights into Active Tectonics of the Koyna Region, Journal of Seismology, 17, 1345-1353. DOI: 10.1007/s10950-013-9396-x.

Rao, N.P., and Shashidhar, D., Periodic variations of stress field in the KoynaWarna reservoie triggered seismic zone inferred from the focal mechanism studies, Tectonophysics, 679, 29-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tecto.2016.04.036 

Shashidhar, D., H.V.S. Satyanarayana, C. Mahato, K. Mallika, N.P. Rao and H.K. Gupta. 2016. Borehole seismic network at Koyna, India, Seismological Research Letters, 87 (3), 661-667.

Mallika, K., H.K. Gupta, D. Shashidhar, N.P. Rao, and A. Yadav, S. Rohilla, H.V.S. Satyanarayana and D. Srinagesh 2013, Temporal variation of b-value associated with M~4 earthquakes in the reservoir triggered seismic environment of the Koyna-Warna region, western India, Journal of Seismology, 17, 189-195. DOI 10.1007/s10950-012-9318-3.

Gupta, H.K., Shashidhar, D., M. Periera, P. Mandal, N. P. Rao, M. Kousalya, H.V.S. Satyanarayana and V.P. Dimri, 2007, Earthquake forecast appears feasible at Koyna, India. Current Science, 93, 6, 843-848.


Research Scholars

  • a PhD Thesis on the topic ‘Micro-earthquake analysis and determination of source processes using borehole network in the Koyna-Warna region’ was awrded to Mr. CR. Mahato, a Doctoral student from the CEG, Osmania University, Marc

Educational Qualification


Proffessional Experience

Proffessional Affiliations