Dr. Pradeep Naick

Senior Scientist , Instrumentation and Engineering Geophysics

Dr. Pradeep Naick


Academic Identity


Signals Processing and Instrumentation

Research Area

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Ongoing Research Projects

Honors & Awards


[1] Kusham, B. Pradeep Naick, A. Pratap and K. Naganjaneyulu (2021) “2-D versus 3-D Magnetotelluric Data Interpretation: a case study from the Dharwar craton, India”, Tectonophysics 816, 229028.

[2] Kusham, B. Pradeep Naick, A. Pratap and K. Naganjaneyulu (2021) “Magnetotelluric 3-D full tensor inversion in the Dharwar craton, India: Mapping of subduction polarity and kimberlitic melt”, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 315, 106708.

[3] Kusham, A. Pratap, B. Pradeep Naick and K. Naganjaneyulu (2019) “Crustal and lithospheric mantle conductivity structure in the Dharwar craton, India”, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 176, 253-263.

[4] A. Pratap, Kusham, B. Pradeep Naick and K. Naganjaneyulu (2018) “A magnetotelluric study from over Dharwar cratonic nucleus into BilligiriRangan charnockitic massif, India”, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 280, 32-39.

[5] Kusham, A. Pratap, B. Pradeep Naick and K. Naganjaneyulu (2018) “Lithospheric Architecture in the Archaean Dharwar Craton: A Magnetotelluric Model”, Journal of AsianEarth Sciences 163, 43-53.




Research Scholars

Educational Qualification

(Ph.D), M.Tech

Proffessional Experience

CSIR – National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad, TS, India

Senior Scientist 'E1'                                                                               2020-2023

Scientist 'C'                                                                                             2011-2020

Junior Scientist 'B'                                                                                 2008-2011

Proffessional Affiliations