Dr. PavanKumar Gayatri

Senior Scientist , Computational Electromagnetics

Dr. PavanKumar Gayatri


Academic Identity


Geo Electromagnetism, Magnetotellurics

Research Area

Dr. Pavankumar has carried out research work in the field of seismotectonics of plate boundary and intraplate regions through crustal imaging by magnetotellurics (MT) and integration of results with other geophysical information and seismological data. He delineated the crustal structure of the Sikkim Himalaya, the Kachchh Seismic Zone (KSZ), the Delhi Seismic Zone (DSZ) and the Palghar Swarm activity region. Some salient results obtained by him are – Identification of lithospheric-scale fault associated with transverse tectonics for the Sikkim Himalaya; geophysical evidence for role of fluids in earthquake generation process in the KSZ; and identification of a crustal-scale conductor associated with the seismicity in the DSZ. His present research pursuits are focused towards understanding of the tectonics of the NW Himalaya and the foreland Ganga basin through crustal imaging and linking deep structure with surface processes.

In addition to seismotectonics, he has also carried out near-surface exploration for groundwater and geothermal energy by using time-domain electromagnetic (TDEM) and Direct Current resistivity imaging techniques. His significant contributions include identification of freshwater aquifers in the Jaisalmer Basin and the Rann of Kachchh, and Geothermal exploration of some hotsprings in Gujarat. He also applied geophysical techniques for industrial applications related to HVDC power transmission.

Ongoing Research Projects

The Pranmati Basin, Himalayan Critical Zone Observatory-Sponsered by MoES, Govt. of India

Honors & Awards


  • Manglik, A., Suresh, M., Nagarjuna, D., Pavankumar, G. Demudu Babu, M., Chakravarthi, N.N and Raj Sunil, K. (2022). Subsurface Expressions of the Aravalli-Delhi Fold Belt in the Western Ganga Basin by Magnetotellurics. Journal of Geological Society of India.
  • Manglik, A., Kandregula, R.S. and Pavankumar, G. (2022). Foreland Basin Geometry and Disposition of Major Thrust Faults as Proxies for Identification of Segmentation along the Himalayan Arc. Journal of Geological Society of India, 98 (1),53-57.
  • Danda Nagarjuna, Rao, C. K., Pavankumar, G. Amit Kumar, Manglik, A. (2021). Magnetotelluric evidence for an Archaean – Proterozoic lithospheric assemblage within the Cambay rift basin, western India, and its role in channeling of plume-derived fluids within the basin. Tectonophysics, 818, 229064, 10.1016/j.tecto.2021.229064.
  • Pavankumar, G and Manglik, A. (2021). Complex tectonic setting and deep crustal seismicity of the Sikkim Himalaya: An electrical resistivity perspective. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C, 124 (2), 103077, 10.1016/j.pce.2021.103077.
  • Pavankumar, G., Chakravarthi, N N., Demudu Babu, M., Manglik, A. (2020). Magnetotelluric study of an intraplate seismic zone in the Palghar region of the Deccan Volcanic Province, India, Journal of Earth System Science,129,1-16.
  • Mehul Nagar, Pavankumar G., Mahesh, P., Rakesh Nikam, D. Nagarjuna, Sumer Chopra and Ravi Kumar, M. (2021). Magnetotelluric evidence for trapped fluids beneath the seismogenic zone of the Mw6.0 Anjar earthquake, Kachchh intraplate region, northwest India, Tectonophysics, 228969.
  • Pavankumar, G., Chaudhary, I., Mehul Nagar, Avinash K Chouhan, Prizomwala, P. Mahesh and Sumer Chopra (2018). Transient electromagnetic investigations in a tectonic domain of the Kachchh intraplate region, western India: a morphotectonic study of the Kachchh Mainland Fault, Tectonics ,37 (11), 4239-4260
  • Pavankumar, G. Mahesh, P. Mehul Nagar, Mahendhar, Kapil Mohan, M. Ravi Kumar (2017). Role of deep crustal fluids in geneses of intraplate earthquakes in the Kachchh region, Northwestern India, Geophysical Research Letters, 44, 4054.
  • Kapil Mohan, Pavankumar, G., Peush Chaudhary, Mehul Nagar, Dilip Singh, Pruthul Patel and B.K. Rastogi et al. (2017). Magnetotelluric investigations to identify geothermal source zone near Chabsar hotwater spring site, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Northwest India. Geothermics, 65, 198–209
  • Manglik, A. Pavankumar, G. and Thigarajan, S. (2013). Transverse Tectonics in the Sikkim Himalaya: A magnetotelluric survey, Tectonophysics, 589,142–150.
  • Pavankumar, G and Manglik, A. (2012). Electrical anisotropy in the Main Central Thrust Zone of the Sikkim Himalaya: Inference from anomalous MT phase, Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 57, 120–127.


Research Scholars

Educational Qualification


Proffessional Experience

Proffessional Affiliations