Dr. Kusumita Arora

Chief Scientist , Geomagnetism

Dr. Kusumita Arora


Academic Identity



Research Area

Kusumita Arora is a geophysicist, working at CSIR-NGRI for the last twenty years. She completed her graduation and post-graduation from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur and subsequently completed her Ph.D. in Osmania University, Hyderabad and Freie Universitaet, Berlin under a DAAD Sandwich program. Her doctoral work consisted of developing a 3D model of the western passive margin of India based on gravity and geoid data.

Her early work focussed on applying potential field methods to investigate the structure and processes of the Earth. She has worked in several team projects viz. Gravity Map Series of India, projects sponsored by OIL, ONGC, etc. involving the analysis and modeling of gravity and magnetic anomalies for deciphering subsurface structure.

She also investigates small scale structural patterns from airborne LiDAR data on the horizontal plane and their continuity in the vertical plane from  ATV and other data along with cores from deep boreholes in context of earthquake patterns in the Koyna-Warna region of reservoir triggered seismicity. 

Over the last decade she has been leading the research in geomagnetism in the Institute and is concentrating on the upgradation of geomagnetic observatories as well as installation of new recording sites in Andaman-Nicobar, Lakshadweep and Kumaun Himalaya. been pursuing  and . She is actively pursuing the study of equatorial and low latitude geomagnetic field to analyse variations of the EEJ-CEJ and Sq patterns from magnetic records at these locations as well as the subsurface conductance structure. More recently studies of pulsation patterns in low latitude and equatorial locations from both ground and satellite data, have been initiated.


Ongoing Research Projects

Honors & Awards

DAAD Scholar Sandwich Model                                                                      2002

Fellow, Telengana Academy of Sciences                                                        2020



Research Scholars

Editorial Board Member: Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, Springer


2011 ed.,

2021 ed.



N. Phani Chandrasekhar


Study of Geomagnetic Field Variations at Low latitude and Equatorial stations of In

Educational Qualification


Proffessional Experience

  1. Geomagnetic Observatory

Established state-of-the art geomagnetic observatory in NGRI transmitting 1Hz data to INTERMAGNET in real time for synchronisation with satellite observations


  1. Remote Station network

Established a network of low latitude and Equatorial semi-permanent geomagnetic recording stations, including Srilanka and Maldives. The data provides new information of the geomagnetic field characteristics around the magnetic Equator in the northern Indian Ocean region.

Similar stations established in the Kumaun Himalaya are generating near field observations of EM emissions connected to lithosphere-ionosphere-magnetosphere interaction.


  1. Bare Earth Model

Have acquired high resolution Laser ranging data using low flying fixed wing craft and generated details of the surface of the Earth has been mapped to metre accuracy through canopy in rough terrain of the Western Ghats. This technique holds great promise for research of surface structural elements.


  1. Sub crustal heterogeneity

Supervised drilling and well logging in 1 km deep boreholes in the Deccan Trap region to characterize the compositional and structural variations in the crust below the basalt layers.

Proffessional Affiliations

 International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy (IAGA) Since 2011