Dr. Kushal Pal Singh

Senior Principal Scientist , Electrical and Heliborne Geophysics

Dr. Kushal Pal Singh

Academic Identity



Research Area

Dr. Kushal P. Singh received B. Sc. from HNB Garhwal University and M. Tech degrees from the University of Roorkee, Roorkee and Ph.D. from the Queen’s University Belfast, UK. Dr. Singh is currently a  Principal   Scientist in airborne geophysics group, NGRI. In July 2006-2010, on study leave from NGRI; Dr. Singh pursued his PhD from Queen’s University Belfast in cutting-edge research, a multi-disciplinary research that combines microbiology, biogeochemistry and geophysics and is known as BIOGEOPHYSICS. He is the first graduate in Biogeophysics at Queen’s University Belfast, UK. He has been awarded SPECIAL RESEARCH AWARD in the year 2007 for designing and execution of a remarkable series of novel, exciting and indeed pioneering biogeophysical experiments in laboratory columns and tanks.

Dr. Singh’s research areas include application and development of geophysical electrical techniques in HYDROGEOPHYSICS, AIRBORNE GEOPHYSICS, BIOGEOPHYSICS and EXPLORATION GEOPHYSICS. He is an expert on Self-potential, Spectral Induced Polarization (SIP), direct current resistivity and electromagnetic method and their application in exploration and environmental studies such biodegradation of contaminants in polluted environments.

His experimental research, biogeophysics, is focussed on the development of novel monitoring techniques for microbial processes associated with bioremediation, bioelectricity generation, methane gas formation and phytoremediation of contaminants in wastewaters and groundwaters, and understanding biogeophysical mechanisms of these processes.

He is a member of many national and international scientific societies including AGU, USA, Indian Science Congress Association (ISCA), Indian Geophysical Union (IGU) and European Geosciences Union (EGU), Vienna. He is a member of frontier research groups in AGU and EGU like hydrogeophysics, Biogeophysics, near-surface geophysics and hydrological earth system science (HESS).

Ongoing Research Projects

Honors & Awards



Research Scholars

Educational Qualification


Proffessional Experience

Proffessional Affiliations