• Realizing the vision and mission of the National Laboratory,CSIR-National Geophysical Research Institute.
  • Creating an environment in the National Laboratory conducive to nurturing of innovation and high class R&D and the other S&T activities of the laboratory.
  • Managing the affairs of the National Laboratory as per the decisions of the Management Council.
  • He shall in all matters have powers delegated to him by the Governing Body.
  • Have all the powers as per the by laws made & amended from time to time by CSIR.


  • To act as a facilitator for running the R&D/S&T project programmes of the respective Division/Centre, control of job allocation and supervision of Division/Centre's activities.
  • Provide due diligence and efforts to perform high class R&D and S&T activities in the Laboratory.
  • Conduct R&D/S&T activities as per the decision of Research Council and Management Council, under supervision of the Director of the Institute.

The R&D organization has three broad categories of employees, the guidelines for whom are given as under:

Scientific Staff (Gr.IV) To contribute by research and/or development of new methods or knowledge and/or new techniques.
Technical Staff (Gr.III) To contribute by using existing technical /scientific knowledge or by generating modified techniques and/or applying them for the solution of specific technical problem.
Administrative Staff To provide all the administrative support for the work of the organisation.

Also, the laboratory has supporting staff (Gr. II and Gr. I), who are expected to provide general/skilled support to Scientific/Technical/Administrative Staff by way of running /maintaining infrastructure and services.

Duties of the Controller of Administration

  • Formulate and implement the policies concerning administrative procedures for smooth functioning of the institute.
  • Provide advice to the functional bodies (committees, groups) within the organization.
  • Keep liaison with CSIR on matters related to administration.
  • Provide healthy working conditions and atmosphere to the institute by correct interpretation of rules and laws.
  • Advice Director, CSIR-NGRI on the matters related to administrative nature for decision.
  • Seek instructions of the Director on the matters beyond routine for implementation.

Duties of the Administrative Officer

  • Overall in-charge of the activities in the Administrative sections, that deal with matters like personnel; maintenance, upkeep and security of the institute's property; logistics support; control on the expenditure from administrative angle; etc.
  • Reporting /Reviewing officer for the staff working in administrative block.
  • Execute the power delegated to the Administrative Officer
  • Take over the duties of the Controller of Administration in absence of the position.
  • Undertake the tasks as assigned from time-to-time of non-routine nature.

Duties of the Controller of Finance and Accounts

  • To assist and advise the Director on all financial matters and be responsible for providing support services to all the scientific staff and bench-level-scientists.
  • Active participation in management decisions being an ex-officio member in statutory and other committees like Management Council, Standing Purchase Committees, Standing Disposal Committee, Departmental Promotion Committee, Honorarium Distribution Committee, Estate & Work Committee etc.
  • Liaison and co-ordination work in respect of DACR & CSIR audit parties.
  • Financial concurrence of all the proposals including service matters.
  • To keep liaison with CSIR HQs on matters related to Finance/ Accounts/ Audit.
  • Preparation of REs & BEs, review of expenditure vis-a-vis budget allocation.
  • Preparation of annual account, income & expenditure statement and balance sheet.
  • Scrutiny of pension cases and issue of PPO, retirement /death gratuity, commutation order etc.
  • Implementation of activities related to modernization and computerization of finance & accounts functions.
  • Any other work assigned by CSIR/Director.

Duties of controller of Stores and Purchase

  • Overall in-charge of the activities in the Stores and Purchase sections that deal with matters like purchase of stores, maintenance of stores inventories, write-off of unserviceable items, auction of outdated stores, etc.
  • Reporting /Reviewing Officer for the staff working in the Stores and Purchase section.
  • Execute the policies concerning purchase and stores procedures for smooth functioning of the institute.
  • Provide advice to the functional bodies (committees, groups) within the organization.
  • Keep liaison with CSIR on matters related to Stores and Purchase.
  • Provide healthy working conditions and atmosphere to the institute by correct interpretation of rules and laws.
  • Advice Director, CSIR-NGRI on the matters related to stores and purchase for decisions.
  • Seek instructions of the Director on the matters beyond routine for implementation.