CSIR-NGRI Library has a collection mainly on science & technology, which comprises of subject encyclopedias, monographs, conference proceedings, special reports and reviews.
Library holdings also include publications of CSIR laboratories, periodicals in S&T, Annual reports of R&D organizations, Indian Standards, and pamphlets.
On the request of non-council readers, the library facilities were made available to them with effect from 1St October 1993.
Library is kept open from Monday to Friday, except Gazetted Holidays. Library hours are 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM.
Rules & Regulations
General Member
Name ----------------------------------------------For Office Use only
------------------------------------------------------Special Member
Name ----------------------------------------------I hereby apply for special membership/renewal of membership and pay annual fee of Rs. 500/-. I also deposit security of Rs. 1000/-.
I have read the rules and regulations of the library and agree to abide by them.
Date ----------------------- Signature -------------------For Office Use only
- --------------------------------------------------------Institutional Member
Name (Contact person) -----------------------------------------We apply for the Institutional/Renewal and pay annual fee of Rs. 1000/- We have agreed to comply with the library rules and deposit security Rs. 2000/- (Two Thousand only).
Date ----------------------- Signature -------------------------For Office Use only