• The Library remains open from 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM on all working days (Monday to Friday).
  • A reader, using the library, shall enter his/her name legibly in the register kept at the entrance gate. Private belongings shall be kept outside the library.
  • Silence should be observed in the library. Using mobile/cellular phone inside the library is not permitted.
  • Smoking, spitting & sleeping are strictly prohibited in the library.
  • The readers shall be responsible for any damage or mutation done to the books and periodicals of the library and shall be required to replace such publications or to pay the value there of.
  • After consultation, the reader shall leave the publications on the table & shall not replace the publications back on the shelves.
  • CSIR-NGRI staff can borrow only five books at a time for a period of two weeks. Books of special demand are lent out only for shorter period.
  • Encyclopedias, Dictionaries, Directories and other Reference books shall not be lent out.
  • Current periodicals are issued for overnight loan only. A reader can take not more than three periodicals at a time.
  • Before leaving the library, the reader shall satisfy as to whether the book issued to him/her is in sound condition. If not, he/she shall forthwith bring the matter to the notice of library-in-charge/staff, otherwise the reader is liable to be held responsible for condition of the book.
  • Readers are strictly prohibited to sub-lend the books.
  • Loan of publications may be renewed for a further period of one fortnight provided:
  • (i) Demand for the publication is not received.
  • (ii) Renewal does not exceed three consecutive fortnights.
  • Staff Members may suggest books for consideration for inclusion in the library. Suggestions shall pertain to technical work of their units.
  • Any infringement of the rules shall render the reader to forfeit the privilege of admission to the library and to borrow books from the library.
  • Facility of membership i.e. General, Special, and Institutional is also allowed to non-council members. The photocopies are provided @ 1 Rupee per page.


CSIR-NGRI Library has a collection mainly on science & technology, which comprises of subject encyclopedias, monographs, conference proceedings, special reports and reviews.

Library holdings also include publications of CSIR laboratories, periodicals in S&T, Annual reports of R&D organizations, Indian Standards, and pamphlets.

On the request of non-council readers, the library facilities were made available to them with effect from 1St October 1993.

Types of Membership

    • Ordinary members are issued membership cards for which they are charged an annual fee of Rs. 200/- (Rupees Two Hundred only).
    • They are allowed to use the library during office hours without any borrowing facilities.
    • Special members are allowed to consult the library as well as to borrow two books at a time against their membership card and two borrowers cards. Membership fee for this category of members is Rs. 500/- (Rupees Five Hundred only) per annum.
    • Besides membership fee, each member is required to deposit Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only) as a security which is refundable at the time of withdrawal of membership.
    • This is open for an institution/company/firm. Annual membership fee is Rs. 1000/- (Rupees One Thousand only). In addition, Institutional member is required to deposit Rs. 2000/- (Rupees Two Thousand only) as a security, which is refundable at the time of withdrawal.
    • Institutional member need to formally nominate an employee who will be the contact person for interaction with the library. On payment of fee, the institute is enrolled as member of the library and issued membership card with three borrowers tickets, which entitles the institute to use library and to borrow three books.

Library Reading/Consulting Hours

Library is kept open from Monday to Friday, except Gazetted Holidays. Library hours are 9.00 AM to 5.30 PM.

Rules & Regulations

  1. Books are issued for a period of two weeks and a fine of Re 1/- (Rupee One) per day will be charged for overdue books.
  2. Special & institutional members are responsible for safety of membership card and the book borrowed against cards. In case of loss of card, Library-in-charge should be informed immediately.
  3. Members are responsible for any damage or mutation done to the publications. Lost or damaged books must be paid for before other books are issued.
  4. To reserve a book one has to fill a reserve slip at the circulation desk.
  5. Library reserves the right to cancel membership of any member who does not comply with the library regulation.

General Member

Name ----------------------------------------------

Occupation --------------------------------------


Residential Address (Attach proof)


Name & Address of office/Institution 



Tel. No. (O) ---------------- (R) ----------------- 

I hereby apply for membership/renewal of membership. I have read the rules and regulations of the library and agree to abide by them.

Date ------------------------ Signature -------------------------- 

For Office Use only

Membership No.----------------- Vaild upto ----------------- 



Special Member

Name ---------------------------------------------- 

Occupation -------------------------------------- 


Residential Address (Attach proof) 



Name & Address of Office/Institution 



Tel. No. (O) ----------------- (R) ---------------- 
Email ID ------------------------------------------ 

I hereby apply for special membership/renewal of membership and pay annual fee of Rs. 500/-. I also deposit security of Rs. 1000/-.

I have read the rules and regulations of the library and agree to abide by them.

Date ----------------------- Signature ------------------- 

For Office Use only

- --------------------------------------------------------
Membership No. ----------------- Vaild upto ------------------

Institutional Member

Name (Contact person) -----------------------------------------
Designation ---------------------------------------------------------

Name & Address of Office/Institution



Tel. No. (O) ------------------------------------- 
Fax No. ------------------------------------------ 
Email ID ----------------------------------------- 

We apply for the Institutional/Renewal and pay annual fee of Rs. 1000/- We have agreed to comply with the library rules and deposit security Rs. 2000/- (Two Thousand only).

Date ----------------------- Signature ------------------------- 

For Office Use only

Membership No. --------------- Vaild upto ---------------