The Institute’s ongoing projects are classified as follows.


Title: Data Generation for Aquifer Mapping with focus on Palaeo-Channels in parts of Ganga-Yamuna Doab, Allahabad &Kaushambi district, Uttar Pradesh
Objective: * Delineation of the geometry and aquifer set-up in the study area
* Determining Geophysical Characteristics of various lithounits
* Identification of major palaeo-channels in the inter-fluve region
* Preparing lithological model of the area
* Delineation& possible understanding of the Aquifer system with lithologic model developed
Sponsor: CGWB
Duration: 04/2016 - 12/2016   Ext.  28.02.2018 Ext.
Participants: Dr. Subash Chandra, Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, Dr. Nepal C Mondal, Dr. Sateesh Chandrapuri, Dr. Sahebrao Sonkamble, Dr. E Nagaiah, Lohit Kumar
Title: Development and testing of nano-geo tracers : Understanding groundwater flow dynamics and contaminants migration in various geo-environments
Objective: * To test nano material from PSG IAS as tracer in soil moisture transport and groundwater flow studies
* Comparative study using conventional tracers like tritium and chloride
* Apply soil and sand columns for testing nano-tracers for its applicability in hydrological parameter evaluation
* Testing in aquifer zone through bore holes for estimating hydrological parameters
Sponsor: DST
Duration: 05/2016 - 04/2018 Ext. 10/2018
Participants: Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, Dr. R Rangarajan, Dr. M J Nandan, Dr. L Surinaidu, Dr. Dewashish Kumar, Dr. R Rajkumar
Title: Assessment of sources of nitrate pollution in groundwater and its mitigation measures
Objective: * To study the recharge processes and flow dynamics in the study area by using the hydrochemistry and environmental isotopes
* To demarcate the nitrate contaminated groundwater zones in the study area
* Source apportionment of nitrate
* Assessing the biogeochemical preocesses in the unsaturated/saturated zones.
* Laboratory experiments of denitrification efficiency of commonly grown herbs/shrubs.
* Development of suitable mitigation measures from laboratory scale to field scale
* Mass awareness program to aware study area population regarding causes, consequences and remedial measures
Sponsor: SERB-NPDF
Duration: 16.12.16 - 15.12.18
Participants: Dr. Dali Mondal
Title: High resolution 3D aquifer mapping along Tapi river and the adjoining region near Surat employing heliborne and ground geophysical surveys
Objective: * 3D aquifer mapping to evaluate the available water resources
* Sites for French Well construction in river bed and also in adjoining land areas connected through subsurface pathways
* Demarcating zones prone to water logging, if any
* Water quality (Salinity) map of the region
* Sites for effective Artificial Recharge
Sponsor: SMC
Duration: 04/2017 - 03/2018 Ext. 15.10.2018
Participants: Dr. Shakeel Ahmed, Dr. Subash Chnadra, Dr. Nepal C Mondal, Sateesh Chandrapuri, Dr. Tanvi Arora, Dr. E Nagaiah, Lohith Kumar
Title: Evaluation of Environmental Status of Osman Sagar and Himayat Sagar Reservoirs in the light of G.O. 111
Objective: * To study the scientific relevance of G.O. 111 in terms of surface water protection
* To provide state-of-the-art review on surface water protection zones around the world and India
* Methodology for delineation of water protection zones for Osman Sagar and Himayat sagar
Sponsor: HMWSSB
Duration: 05/2017 - 04/2018 Ext. 04/2019
Participants: Dr. M J Nandan, Dr. V M Tiwari, Dr. Anand K Pandey, Dr. N Srinivas, Dinesh Kumar
Title: Geo-Hydrological Investigations to find out the sources of seepage and environmental degradation in Unit I of Hetero Labs Limited, Kazipally.
Objective: * To carryout geo-hydrological investigations in the premises of Hetero Lab Unit-I for the identification of seepage sources
Sponsor: HETERO Labs Limited
Duration: 01/2018 - 12/2018
Participants: Dr. V M Tiwari, Dr. M J Nandan, Dr. A K Pandey, Dr. L Surinaidu, Dinesh Kumar
Title: Geo-Hydrological Investigations to find out the sources of seepage and environmental degradation in Unit I and II of Mylan laboratories limited, Gaddapotharam.
Objective: * To carryout geo-hydrological investigations in the premises of Mylan laboratories limited Unit-I & II for the identification of seepage sources.
Sponsor: MYLAN Laboratories Limited
Duration: 02/2018 - 01/2019
Participants: Dr. V M Tiwari, Dr. M J Nandan, Dr. A K Pandey, Dr. L Surinaidu, Dinesh Kumar.
Title: Influence of hydrological and hydrogeological factors on recharge estimation for designing sustainable groundwater management.
Objective: * To delineate the aquifer geometry for understanding the groundwater storage capacity of the study area
* To estimate the amount of groundwater recharge under natural conditions
* To estimate the groundwater storage changes in the study area for a desired time and space
* Understand the seasonal variation of groundwater quality
* Identification of zones suitable for different types of artificial recharge interventions.
This study brings a more significant contribution on groundwater resources assessment and management in a crystalline aquifer
Sponsor: DST (WoS-A)
Duration: 02/2018 - 01/2021
Participants: Dr. P D Sreedevi
Title: Comprehensive hydrogeological study of the entire Kaziapally and Gaddapotharam industrial areas.
Objective: * To carryout a comprehensive hydrological study of the entire Kaziapally and Gaddapotharam industrial area / watershed for finding out the source of seepage and environmental degradation
Sponsor: MODEL Industrial Association
Duration: 02/2018 - 01/2019
Participants: Dr. V M Tiwari, Dr. M J Nandan, Dr. A K Pandey, Dr. Kirti Srivastava, Dr. L Surinaidu, Dinesh Kumar